Lawyers for your business and personal life

We can help you in the areas of civil, commercial, insolvency, and real estate law and we can represent you in disputes.

0+ million
CZK managed
0+ cases
cases resolved
0 lawyers
on staff
0 years
in the field

Our mission is simple:
Defend your interests

It matters which lawyer you choose. Our clients appreciate our expertise, experience, loyalty, hard work and the fact that our legal egos are set aside while defending their rights and interests. Every day we try to provide high quality legal advice to solve problems and save you time and money.

We are available in Prague and Ostrava and are thus able to provide effective legal service throughout the Czech Republic.

Additionally, we are also insolvency administrators with many years of experience.

We are lawyers, advisors, and insolvency administrators. Less talk, more work..

Confidentiality is not just something we talk about. It is something we are commited to.

Our clients include leading companies operating in the Czech Republic, multinational and regional business entities from various industries, as well as non-business entities, including private individuals.

With their consent, here is a sample of our clientele:

logo Axel GroupA technology company with more than 20 years of experience
logo město KlimkoviceA Fintech investment and real estate group
logo Carroll & DohnalA real estate and consultancy firm operating internationally
logo město KlimkoviceKlimkovice, město u Ostravy s více než 4 400 obyvateli
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