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Insolvency law and not only that — we are also insolvency administrators with a special licence.

"Your creditor is the only person who stays closer to you than your friend when you're in trouble."

With a license since 2009, we are one of the most experienced and longest-running insolvency administrators in the Czech Republic. Experience and continuous education in the field of insolvency make us what we are: a reliable guide in a crisis situation and a good advisor in this constantly evolving and very specific legal area.

Are you the director or the shareholder of a company in danger of bankruptcy or are you already in bankruptcy? Do you want to negotiate with creditors, consolidate debts, reorganize and save your company or, conversely, safely close your business? We will advise you to make the right decision.

Are you a creditor and your debtor does not want to pay or cannot pay your claim? Carefully planned insolvency proceedings may be the most appropriate solution. We will design a strategy that will save you money.

Have you recently found out that your debtor is insolvent? Nothing may be lost yet and good legal representation always pays off.

Are you an entrepreneur and do you feel like you can no longer manage your debts? The solution may be easier than you think and could cost you only a little bit of your time.

Are you a lawyer not specializing in insolvency law? Together, we can help your client and, in the event of a majority claim, help you choose a reliable insolvency administrator.

We will also provide you with expert advice on the ongoing implementation of the European Restructuring and Insolvency Directive (European Parliament and Council Directive (EU) 2019/1023 of 20 June 2019 on preventive restructuring frameworks, debt relief and activity bans and measures to increase the effectiveness of procedures restructuring, insolvency and debt relief and amending Directive (EU) 2017/1132).