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We know (almost) everything about real estate.

"Don’t wait to buy real estate. Buy real estate and wait."

This is our fastest growing legal segment. Through long-term cooperation with reputable real estate agencies and developers we have gained extensive experience with real estate transfers, comprehensive legal services for development projects, and the provision of services to housing cooperatives, companies, and individuals.

In cooperation with partners, we are ready to help you find the solution to complicated real estate transactions in the event of their encumbrance, foreclosure, or even in insolvency proceedings. We regularly provide services related to the transfer or securing of real estate (i.e. purchases, exchange gift contracts, mortgage contracts). It goes without saying that we can assist in the safekeeping of funds, verification of signatures, and representation before the land registry office.

We will also advise you on the settlement of co-ownership, joint property of spouses, easements, creation of specific models of reservation, purchase, lease, brokerage, mortgage and other contracts, including agreements on the transfer of membership rights and obligations associated with membership in a housing cooperative.